Such as providing support with school/exam fees, clothing, school uniforms and shoes as needed. The child can be of preschool to high school age and even at university level. SHIP is quite happy to assist you in your choice and will make sure the sponsorship will be personally supervised with no funds being handed over. Items will be bought and supplied directly. School fees are paid into the school account and exam fees to the exam board by SHIP.
You can bestow a specific one off donation or offer long term support over years.
We are offering various volunteer opportunities and are inviting interested parties to join SHIP at Shewula. Age is not important as long as you are interested in a unique authentic African experience and like to help and support the local community. Please get in touch with us for further information and availability. We are happy to welcome you!
SHIP is actively involved in several schools that cater for students who were/are not able or no longer able to finish their main stream education. Many students had to leave school due to financial difficulties and could not sit the final exams. SHIP provides free education, supporting and encouraging the students to carry on their studies with the view of good exam results. Some of the students are also given the opportunity for vocational training. All the teachers are volunteers. Sponsors are actively thought, initially, for school materials, vocational training and exam fees and eventually to cover teacher’s salaries.
Your company can make a one-off or regular donation on-line now and help transform children’s lives. Please get in touch with us for further details.
General donations are utilised by SHIP where it is needed most, but also to sustain existing ongoing projects. i.e. ploughing, providing food and water, clothing, transport and many other presenting emergencies or hardships. We also start new projects when we identify a necessity.